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Our products are suitable for everyone!

Because our medical products are certified and tested, the DGMondmaskers products ensure that everyone can benefit from the best protection.

With good medical products you limit the spread of a virus. Thanks to our diverse product range, we can provide you with protection in different ways. We offer the best protection for competitive prices.



The difference between face masks from DGFacemasks and other face masks.

All those nice prints on a facemask. Nice for your outfit, but does this also offer good protection? Face masks with a print are often no more than a piece of cloth that hardly stops virus particles. A virus can spread via large and small droplets (aerosols). The facemasks with a print do not stop the small drops, which is why this is also called "fake protection".

Our FFP2 facemasks have a filter efficiency of at least 95%. As a result, they also stop the smallest drops and virus particles! 

Our medical facemasks are easy to use and are ideal to take with you on a holiday. Several countries have made it mandatory to wear a face mask. Not wearing a face mask can in many cases lead to high fines.

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